Our friend Ella is a young lady with a very big heart. She began making birthday boxes as a way to volunteer. “I started volunteering because of my participation in pageants,” Ella said. “I had to have volunteer hours, but as a six-year-old it was very hard for me and my mom to find things that I was able to do.”

Ella puts together boxes full of everything someone would need to throw a birthday party for their child. Things like cake mix, icing, decorations, little games, and even a birthday button. “When I was volunteering at different shelters I realized that some of the kids didn’t want to come down to the birthday parties because they were embarrassed,” she said. “When we were working there I thought about how not all kids in need are living in shelters, and I wanted all kids to be celebrated just like everybody else.”

She knows just how important and empowering it is for parents to be able to give their children a birthday party. “The kids don’t even have to know that the party supplies were donated,” she said. “All those kids know is that their parents are throwing them a party.”

As the National Junior Honor Society President, she has held fundraisers at her school to support the project. They had some left over funds from the last fundraiser, so Ella says they will be bringing another batch of birthday boxes to the Village Pantry soon. We are so proud to know this amazing young philanthropist.